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Preparing for the Eclipse

Preparing for the Eclipse by Joy Cochran
Lately, as I've driven down the interstate, I've seen ODOT signs asking if I was prepared for the eclipse. The more I've thought about it, the more I am struck with the oddity of it all. Each and every night when the earth rotates and we don't have a direct line of sight to the sun, it gets dark. I understand that this is different and that we will experience darkness in the middle of the day, but it is quite temporary.
I've watched some videos and even downloaded an app, so I can appreciate this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but there is something that I can't quite escape and that is the spiritual parallel. In reality, we all deserve to face an eternal eclipse from the Son, the Source of all that is good and the One who is the very Light of the world. Our lives are but a momentary blip on the line of eternity, but for now, it is all that we know. Some days can feel so long, and yet some weeks and months seem like a blink of an eye. Time is a peculiar thing, but what I do know is what God tells us about His view of time. Though many well-meaning believers try to sway people based on an eternal perspective which is true, I believe there is so much more to consider. While it is true that we all have souls which make us different than every other living organism, sometimes we fail to see this as we get caught up in the busyness of this life. C.S. Lewis described humans as “amphibians” of sorts, because we are both eternal, with souls that will live forever, and yet temporary, with bodies that will one day face death and decay. In God’s Word, He paints a picture for those who fail to accept the gift of salvation, which Jesus purchased with His blood, as spending eternity apart from Him. In this scenario, it is described as utter darkness where there will be “weeping and gnashing of teeth” and unending agony and despair (Matthew 13:42, 49-50). It only makes sense that when you remove the presence of God from a place, that it is cold, dark, and hopeless, because anything we experience in this life that is good--from simple pleasures to deeply satisfying joy--come from Him. So, while some would say this should motivate us enough to make a decision to follow Jesus, I don't know that I agree. We have a difficult time wrapping our brains around this idea of eternity, so it is easy for us to put off. Though Jesus taught about eternity, He actually spent more time talking about His Kingdom and what He came to do when He walked the earth. Yes, He became the sacrificial Lamb who died in our place, but it wasn't just with eternity in mind. Jesus explained that the enemy of our souls “...comes only to steal and kill and destroy” and then He goes on to say, “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly” (John 10:10 ESV). He isn't just offering a “Get Out of Hell Free” Card; He offers us purpose and meaning and hope in this life. Have you ever looked forward to something so much only to get there and realize it wasn't actually what you had hoped? It wasn't fulfilling, so you looked to the next goal, the next level of success, the next relationship, the next high, the next… You get the picture. That is the work of the enemy who wants you chasing after everything but God. He steals your joy, kills your hope, and destroys your life.
So, back to the eclipse…this temporary darkness we will experience will seem strange because it is not the norm. Likewise, the deep hopelessness that so many people are facing today is equally strange. You see, we were made for so much more. Unlike anything else in all of creation, God made us “in His own image” (Genesis 1:27). This gives us value beyond our comprehension, and when Jesus rose from the dead after being nailed to a cross three days earlier, He offered us something even greater. When He was going to return to the Father, He said that it was better that He should leave so that the Holy Spirit should come and be available to each and every person who put their trust in Him (John 16:7-11). He explained that the Holy Spirit would be our Comforter, our Advocate, our Intercessor, our Counselor, our Strengthener, and our Source for all Truth.
Can you see the light emerging on the other side of the moon now? Can you see past the shadows of depair and isolation, or has the enemy blinded you? Jesus is offering so much more. And, when we allow the Holy Spirit to speak into our lives and we yield to Him, He produces good things in us: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). Who couldn't use more of those in their lives?
Have your circumstances temporarily eclipsed the Light offered by the Son? Jesus said that we would face hardships and troubles, pain and anguish, but why wouldn't we expect that? After all, if He was not immune to those painful experiences, then why do we think that we should be untouched by them? But what He said next is my favorite part, “I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33 NIV). Just as we believe that we will see the sun again, we can be absolutely certain that we will see the Son again!
I want to invite you to a whole new way of living with light and hope. You see, when we have a relationship with Jesus, our lives are fuller, richer, and brimming with joy, even when we face temporary darkness. Though our circumstances may block our view of the Light of the Son for a time, we can take comfort knowing that He is still there and that He came that we truly might know how to live. The Holy Spirit quietly reminds us of His presence, even in the darkness, if we just listen closely to His voice.
So, as the eclipse approaches, I want you to consider your preparedness. As much time and energy as you have put into this earthly event, what have you done as you look toward eternity? The Psalmist reminds us of the key to looking to the Son, and it isn't a special set of paper glasses. Rather, he assures us that “those who look to Him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces.” (Psalm 34:5 NLT).