God is not done with us yet. We are an unfinished work of art. He is creating a masterpiece at North Woodbury - and you get to be part of it! The Canvas Campaign was recently launched to grow our building fund in order to care well for our resources. Our goal is to raise $350,000 in the next 3 years in order to replace the roof, fix the flooding issue, do major renovations and repairs, etc.
The phases are broken down as followed:
Phase 1 - Side room renovation completion, foundation repair, water well concerns
Phase 2 - Roof repair or replacement, including gutters and downspouts, lighting updated and replaced, HVAC concerns
Phase 3 - Renovation of the children's wing, new carpeting throughout the church, any other additional repairs or reneovation identified by that time
If you would like to give towards the Canvas Campaign, let us know by contacting the office at 419-362-6781 or give through the app (available through your app store).