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Solid Rock Ministry

Solid Rock Ministry

Solid Rock Ministries exists to be a consistent Christ centered presence focused on caring for our community.
The physical location of Solid Rock was birthed in 1996 in the Hickory Grove Mobile Home Park on Co. Rd 59 and is currently housed on Lot #28 in Morrow County.
Ways in which we provide care to our community include: 
Johnsville Area Produce Distribution- The drive through distribution is held at the church, the 1st Saturday of each month.  11am-noon (excluding holiday weekends)
Food Pantry- located at the church- please call 419-362-6781 to schedule. 
Good News Club -  Is for kids K-6th grade and is held on Thursdays from 4:15-5:30 pm. GNC is a Child Evangelism Fellowship based program which offers Bible lessons, scripture memorization, songs, games, snacks, prizes and fun!  
Annual School Supply Outreach -held at the church - August
Winter Coat Outreach- held at the church - October
Annual Rummage Sale- all proceeds help purchase school supplies and winter coats - June.

If you would like more information about any of our events, donations, or ministry opportunities please contact Linda Hager at or 419-961-1960.