Read the Lead Pastor 2023 Vision Report here:
Here at North Woodbury Alliance Church we adhere to some very basic, yet foundational truths that define who we are. The first and primary truth is that it's all about Jesus! We believe that Jesus Christ is the most important person in the universe. We also believe that we can know Him in a personal relationship. It is from this foundation that everything at North Woodbury functions.
We exist to bring glory to God. In fact this is why we were created. In the Alliance we believe that we can do that best when we see Jesus and know Him as SAVIOR, SANCTIFIER, HEALER, and COMING KING.
We believe that Jesus has given us a tremendous gift in the promised person of the Holy Spirit. We cannot live a life of victory without Him. Knowing this, we seek to serve and live in the power and filling of the Holy Spirit as He transforms us from the inside out.
Because we love God, we want to respond in obedience to Him. This is why we reach out to those who do not know Him. We seek to help those who are broken and hurting in our community, in our region, and around the globe. At North Woodbury it is our desire to have each and every believer engage in the personal pursuit of Jesus Christ and follow Him with passion as we participate together in the GREAT COMMISSION.